Frequently Asked Questions



Yes. You will need a valid email id and phone number.

Yes. You will need a valid email id and phone number. Also, companies must have a GSTIN and TAN. It should also have a bank account registered in the company name.

A seller dashboard is where a seller can list a product up for sale, edit it, keep a record of their past sales, payment details and maintain an inventory.

Creating a product listing on GameJila is easy. After you sign in to your seller account, we will direct you to your seller dashboard. On your dashboard, select ‘Add New Product’ from the ‘Listing' dropdown. Then you will have to choose the different specifications of the product you would like to sell. After selecting all the options, click on ‘Confirm’. You will have to add images of the product, each within 100 Mb. We then send your product for approval. You can check the approval status on the dashboard by selecting ‘Check Approval Status’ from the ‘Listing’ dropdown.

You can list as many as you like.

Approval may take a maximum of 24-72 hours. Once approved, we will notify you through an email and also update the status on your dashboard.

We may reject your product on various grounds. In case of rejection, our team will mention the specific reason in an email sent to the id you used to create an account with us.

If a buyer cancels the order mid-transit, the item will be delivered back to the seller. If the seller is at fault, they will have to pay for the delivery charges. So, a seller must avoid all reasons for cancellation.

You can cancel a buyer’s request for any reason, But ensure to do that before setting your product out for delivery. Also, canceling an order multiple times will reflect poorly on the seller and GameJila, so avoid cancelations as far as possible.

If you cancel an order before dispatch, you will not have to bear any cost. But frequent cancellations often reflect poorly on the seller, so try to avoid cancelations as far as possible. List a product only when you are sure that it is available.

We will initiate the payment for your product as soon as the buyer receives the product. The amount must reflect on your account in 3-7 business days.

It must be in operable condition, and the seller must have the box and papers that it came with to ensure authenticity.

We will transfer your payment through internet banking to the account whose details you shared with us while creating your seller account.

It usually takes anywhere between 3-7 business days. In case the balance is not credited even after 7 business days, contact the customer care service of your bank.



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